Friday, June 25, 2010

Bon Voyage School Dance Invites

My oldest daughter promoted from 8th grade this year. And as hard as it is to see my "baby" move on to high school I found a way to help me cope with it. I got the honor to help theme and run her last school dance. We wanted something fun and relaxing so we decided on Bon Voyage cruise ship theme. I used my left over circles cut from my Cricut Wild Card cartridge for Staff Appreciation day. It worked out as I didn't want to waste them. We used a Stampin Up swirl stamp for a wind water look, Cricut to cut out anchors and to top it off life saver candy! And of course we needed 100 of them (seems like the magic number I always need to make lol) We had blue &white balloons floating across the floor and a fog machine for the calming seas effect. With my Cricut I cut out huge cruise ships and let 8th graders decorate them. We hung them all over the gym, and the little kindergartners our 8th grade mentor made cute portholes out of paper plates and goldfish crackers. As an added touch I cut out suitcases, the teachers added good luck & well wishes on them. It all turned out wonderful, the best part was the kids enjoyed seeing their cruise ship artwork on the walls.

Cinco De Mayo - Cards Cricut Style (5th of May)

This year our Staff Appreciation Day fell on Cinco De Mayo (5th of May) and of course we had to have a Fiesta!!! So I went straight to my Cricut and Wild Card cartridge to make some special cards. Our mascot is a Lobo which translated means Wolf. I looked to my all TIME FAVORITE bakery - Baker Wee to help with a delicious treat to show our appreciation for the long hours and hard work the staff puts in all year. They created 100 beautiful cookies airbrushed sparkly orange (our school colors) and added a paw print! They tasted as good as they looked!!! Here is our finished creation. Hope you enjoy it. :)

If you click on the card you can see we used paw prints to tie in our mascot and cookies. :)
Upon closer look you maybe able to see the airbrushed orange cookies sparkle.

Cricut Wild Card Fun

We had some wonder authors visit for the students at our school. The librarian wanted a special thank you card to go with her thank you gifts to them. With warmer weather approaching we wanted them to fit into the spring/summertime feel. I used the Cricut Wild Card cartridge, scrapbook paper, Stampin Up oval punch along with butterfly
dragonfly brads.

Fun with Paper & Metal Washers - Necklaces

I love stamping and making jewelry out of it too!  Most of the time I'm buying clear stickers punching little holes and making earrings to fit my outfit or mood.  Either way it always brings a smile from others and a how did you do that?  I found a wonderful website surfing one day that uses washers from Home Depot (one store my husband doesn't mind stopping at for me :) to make necklaces.  Supplies needed - any size metal washer, favorite scrapbook paper, circle punch, ribbon, crystal effect, and E6000 glue.  For the complete instructions visit the link attached to this post.

Here's my version, I need a little practice but not bad for my first one :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bleach Technique Flower Style

At a stamp class awhile back I learned what is now one of my favorite techniques - bleach!  Just pour a bit on a paper towel as your stamp pad and you'll get some amazing unique images. The dragonfly and saying are rub-ons and went on like magic.

This one was made with the same technique but I used soft pink marker to color in the cherry blossoms and 3-D butterfly sticker from Michael's.

Easter Bunny Treats

I made these cute little bunnies for the gals I work with for Easter.  I found the punch art instructions on a blog google search.  I wish I could remember the site it was wonderful.
I used Stampin Up circle & oval punch, wiggle eyes, paper candy bags from Target and my Cricut for the names.  If you use paper on your Cricut with a sticky back makes the process go by a lot faster.  And on the back for a special touch a pom-pom for a tail.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Caught A Bug!

Every year at school we celebrate spirit week.  Usually it's something silly like pj day ect... This particular day was wear crazy shoes.  Well knowing I was going to be working on my feet all day I wear tennis shoes.  I needed a way to hide them but make it fun for the kids.  So I did the Grouchy Ladybug and The Very Hungry Caterpillar from Eric Carle books.  I wrapped felt around my foot, glued wiggle eyes, and colorful pipe cleaners and instant bug shoes!

I found some photos left over from December.  I work at a school and were always looking for projects to turn into gifts for parents.  I remember when I was little this project and I had some left over tile and wala instant coffee holder/ hotplate!  All you need is - 1 kitchen tile, finger paint, glitter paint pen, and sticky foam for the back of the tile (sold at most Michael's stores)  This was quick and easy and the kids had fun making them.